Random Photographs from GTP

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The news

Gearing up for the coming show season!! It's going to be a busy one, first off there's a new Turco heading our way in early May (Spring show season peak) but I guess I should have thought of that before. We are very excited for our third to arrive. In the mean time though we've got to make some money! Tia (my wife) is taking a year off from teaching obnoxious, ungrateful teenagers to be with the baby and the rest of the family. And she's begun her career as an artist making beautiful sterling silver and resin jewelry to fill in the financial gap that will leave. Check out her Etsy site here. So for those of you who are counting, yes, that means two artists, three kids, four animals, one mortgage, and no "real" jobs. Are we crazy? Probably. Are we going to look back on this is twenty years and say thank god we took a chance and enjoyed our kids while they were young? Definitely!
So here's the low-down: The economy sucks so shows are slower, so we are doubling up and doing a lot more shows this year! Some will be just me, some will be just Tia, and some will be both of us! So far this is what we know about:

March 19-21, Eastern Shore Art Festival, Fairhope, AL (Greg)
March 26-27, Mulberry Street Festival, Macon, GA (Greg & Tia)
April 9-11, Artrider, Morristown, NJ (Greg)
April 23-25, Magic City Art Connection, Birmingham, AL (Greg)

Then we take a little break to birth a baby in early May!

I will post more of the Summer schedule as it solidifies. I hope that you can come visit at a show or two. It's one thing to see artwork online but to really get the whole idea you need to see it in person! So come on out, forward this message on to your friends and family, and be sure to also visit my Etsy site for new and different listings all the time!

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