Random Photographs from GTP

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Music Mondays, Photo Phridays

So I think I need some sort of structure here or I will probably find it hard to continue writing on any regular basis. What I've decided to do it take the two thing in this world that inspire me more than any other and write a little bit about them on regular (possibly weekly) basis. Thus Music Mondays and Photo Phridays! If it's not abundantly obvious, what this means is that Each Monday I will write about what I've been  listening to and in what way, if any, it has affected my work. Then on Phriday I'll be looking at another Photographer and talk a bit about their work. Now, I'm not a writer per say so it may just be a link or images or whatever but regardless if your into photography or music it might be worth a look.

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